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Scientific Name | Physaria gordonii (Lesquerella gordonii) | USDA PLANTS Symbol | LEGO |
Common Name | Gordon's Bladderpod | ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. | 823240 |
Family | Brassicaceae (Mustard) | SEINet Reference |
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Description |
Habitat: Sandy or light soils in rocky plains, caprock ledges, gravelly brushland, sandy desert washes, stream bottoms, pastures, roadsides. Plant: Upright annual with several erect to decumbent, branched or unbranched stems; 18 inches tall; dense, short hairs covering stems and leaves. Leaves: Basal leaves elliptic to obovate 3/4 to 2 inches long, petiolate and margins lyrate-pinnatifid, or entire or dentate; stem leaves linear to oblanceolate 3/8 to 2-3/4 inches long, lower ones sometimes short-petiolate, upper sessile, margins of lower leaves repand or shallowly dentate, upper leaves entire. Inflorescence: Dense terminal racemes of numerous yellow to orange flowers each about 1/2-inch across; 4 cuneate to obovate petals and 4 elliptic or oblong sepals. Bloom Period: March to June. Fruit: Globular to ellipsoid capsules up to 1/3-inch across on straight, S-shaped or recurved pedicels 3/8 to 1-3/16 inches long. References: SEINet, "Wildflowers of Texas" by Michael Eason and "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston. |
BONAP Distribution Map![]() |
Texas Status: Native |